Headstrong Mindset LLC

+1 (805) 460-8844

Sport PErformance Psychology for LGBTQIA+ athletes & Coaches

Out perform your opponents.

No matter where you are in your athletic career, you can find LGBTQIA+ affirming and empowering support here.

Past Clients & collaborations

About Headstrong Mindset

Headstrong Mindset LLC is a mental performance consulting practice that combines Sport Performance Psychology strategies with LGBTQIA+ affirming support.

Whether you’re navigating coming out to your teammates and coaches for the first time or overcoming mental obstacles that impact your performance, Dr. Brooke Rundle provides LGBTQIA+ affirming mental performance consulting to empower your identity and optimize your performance.

At Headstrong Mindset, we believe that to perform your best, you need to bring your whole authentic self into competition because Pride Night happens every you time you compete.

Headstrong Mindset LLC was founded by Dr. Brooke Rundle (she/they). Dr. Rundle’s approach is deeply rooted in her experience as an NCAA collegiate and professional athlete, paired with their personal journey as an out queer professional with a doctorate in Sport & Performance Psychology. Dr. Rundle is an Athlete Ally Pro Ambassador and member of the Sports Equality Foundation for LGBTQ+ sports advocacy.  Dr. Rundle is a mental performance consultant with USA Volleyball’s National Team Development Program (NTDP) and works with several NCAA collegiate athletes and teams in volleyball, soccer, softball, baseball, track & cross country, lacrosse, and tennis.

Primary Areas of Focus

Foundational tenants to Mental Performance Consulting

Self Regulation

Self-regulation refers to the ability to control one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in any given moment.


Self-awareness is to know oneself and one’s needs in any given moment before, during and after practice and competition.


The ability to maintain focus on the right things at the right time during competition when the pressure is on. 


Identify outcome, performance, and process goals for desired levels  improvement and competition results.


Process of uses all your senses (sight, smell, etc.) to mentally rehearse, create, or re-create an experience in the mind. Imagery is frequently used for learning new skills, preparing for competition, or recovery from an injury.


Self-talk are the words or phrases you think or say to yourself during preparation, competition and in your daily life. What you say to yourself and how you say it matters! 

What you can expect working with Dr. Brooke Rundle

Headstrong Mindset LLC is a Colorado based private practice that combines evidence-based research with applied strategies to help athletes, performing artists, coaches, and teams learn how to perform at their optimal level consistently under pressure and increase their enjoyment while performing. Headstrong’s founder Dr. Brooke Rundle provides both remote and in-person mental performance consulting & team-building workshops, in addition to individual performance consulting online to develop mental skills that translate to performance excellence under pressure in competition and life beyond sport.

Relationally Focused

I believe that relationships are an essential part of one’s mental performance and growth process. Approaching mental performance through the lens of relationship dynamics helps athletes and coaches recognize unhealthy power dynamics, learn how to navigate conflict, establish safe boundaries, repair ruptures, and ultimately improve performance relationships.

Positive Psychology

Positive Psychology is an evidence-based approach to strength assessments that asks what’s “right” with people instead of what’s “wrong” with them. I use do strength based testing and use a framework of Positive Psychology that builds upon individual strengths to increase confidence, cultivate life balance, and find meaning in sport and performance.

Internal Family Systems

Internal Family Systems (IFS), also known as "parts work",  is a mindfulness-based approach to self-acceptance and somatic awareness. IFS helps athletes navigate competition and life with the 8 Cs: confidence, calm, compassion, courage, creativity, clarity, curiosity, and connectedness. IFS has proven to be highly effective for quieting the inner-critic, resolving inner conflicts, and slowing emotional reactivity through guided mindfulness exercises.

Our ethos

Embrace your identity.
Out perform your opponents.

Antiracism and Queer Liberation Theory are the foundational pillars of Headstrong Mindset LLC. Antiracism opposes all forms of systemic racism. Antiracism supports antiracist policy through actions and antiracist ideas (IXK). Queer liberation recognizes and honors a diverse spectrum of sexual orientations and gender identities beyond the gender binary and empowers people to be authentic and share their story.

Embrace your identity.Out perform your opponents.

We believe that helping athletes not get erased in our sport & society is a form of advocacy. We believe that authenticity is a form of advocacy. And we believe that helping athletes compete and live authentically is a form of advocacy.

Start OUT Performing Your Opponents with a Mental Edge 

Get started with LGBTQIA+ Mental Performance Consulting 

Call +1 (805) 460-8844

This website is for informational purposes only and does not provide mental health or performance advice. Please do not act or refrain from acting based on anything you read on this site. Using this site or communicating with Headstrong Mindset LLC through this site is not a replacement for therapy and does not form a consultant-client relationship.

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