Mental Performance.
Mental Health.
LGBTQ+ Inclusion.

Recent Speaking Engagements 


Dr. Brooke Rundle

Dr. Brooke Rundle is the founder of Headstrong Mindset LLC, a member of the Sports Equality Foundation (SEF), and a former DI AVCA All-American & Professional Volleyball Player. Brooke provides a unique combination of collegiate and professional athletic experience with a clinical mental health and performance perspective. As a mental performance consultant, Brooke has worked extensively with collegiate and club sports programs across the country. Brooke specializes in multicultural team building, mental health, and optimizing mental performance.

Topics I Love to Speak About

Performance Excellence

Team cohesion and multicultural team building
Athlete vulnerability, athletic identity, & finding balance
Finding your "why" & accessing a "flow state" of mind
Overcoming maladaptive perfectionism and performance anxiety
Building confidence and negative thought replacement 
Achieving optimal arousal states in performance
Building routines before, during, and after competition

LGBTQ+ Inclusion 

Actionable strategies to make your business, program, & locker room an inclusive space
The differences between coming out personally, professionally, and publicly
Suggested policies and codes of conduct for players, coaches, and fans that promote inclusion
How to make your LGBTQ+ identified members feel safe & welcome in your program 
Health implications of internalized homophobia and transphobia

Past Speaking Engagements

Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference 2023
USA Volleyball's USAV Coach Academy
September 8, 2023
USA Volleyball's National Team Development Program
July, 2023
Human Rights Campaign's Time to Thrive Conference
April, 2023
Pac-12 Health Equity Summit, January 26-27, 2023
American Volleyball Coaches Association (AVCA) Convention December, 2022
The USA Volleyball Show (podcast episode)
American Volleyball Coaches Association (AVCA) Webinar August, 2022
University of San Diego Athletic Department, April 21, 2021
Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference 2021
Sports Equality Foundation & Equality Coaching Alliance, March 30, 2021
American Volleyball Coaches Association (AVCA) Convention December, 2020
University of Augustana Admissions, August, 2020


Dr. Brooke Rundle is a former professional volleyball player who identifies as as queer and non-binary. Dr. Rundle is well-versed in speaking at conferences, hosting team-building workshops and facilitating group conversations on mental performance, mental health, and LGBTQIA+ inclusion for all types of teams.


Tel: (805) 460-8844


Location: Denver, Colorado

© Headstrong Mindset LLC.  

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